Linux Home Automation File Directory

You will find all the software I have collected over the years. All of it related to home automation in some way. At this time there are no descriptions but I will work on that.

180MON10.HEX.txt19584Dec 30 2020 
2017-06-21-raspbian-jessie.zip1658472370Jun 30 2017 
arigo.tar.gz6753May 30 2017 
background-grad-5x35.png283May 30 2017 
BCC30.BUG896Dec 30 2020 
bozo.jpg5917May 30 2017 
build-cert.sh214Jan 2 2019 
c-a-2.sh683Jan 2 2019 
c-a.sh1050Jan 2 2019 
cheaplightswitch-1.0.tgz14895May 30 2017 
Cisco-ZBA.doc43008May 30 2017 
cm17a.html27660May 30 2017 
cmd523.c2348May 30 2017 
cp290.tgz28934May 30 2017 
cthugha-L-1.3.tgz1045618May 30 2017 
cthughaTabSource.tgz2075May 30 2017 
dallas.tgz8811May 30 2017 
dataq.c7805Aug 16 2019 
dataq-di194.html94453May 30 2017 
DEBUG31.ZIP45717Dec 30 2020 
DevicePort.pm67026May 30 2017 30 2017 
ds9097.gif5364May 30 2017 
ears-0.32.tgz188241May 30 2017 
ha.html8227May 30 2017 
handheld.css11612May 30 2017 
hb7500.c103026Mar 23 2019 
hcs2d.tgz46357May 30 2017 24 2020 
hcs.tar.gz11816May 30 2017 
host.exe137856May 30 2017 
hp28-20121206.tgz68044281May 30 2017 
humbug-moto.zip4981647Mar 31 2021 
index.html0Nov 13 18:56 
Intelligent Serial EPROM Prog0001.pdf22444505Dec 30 2020 
iplc-20080811.tgz659756May 30 2017 
iplc-20100506.tgz773221May 30 2017 
iptables-tutorial-1.2.2.pdf6281419May 30 2017 
irtools-020.tgz208866May 30 2017 
kk_mug.png42465May 30 2017 
kvoicecontrol-0.11.tgz95500May 30 2017 
LEDFnt1.zip73875May 30 2017 
LEDSignV27.tgz66633May 30 2017 
lhap.tgz5035May 30 2017 
lha.scr700May 30 2017 
lha.sh1162May 30 2017 30 2017 30 2017 30 2017 30 2017 30 2017 30 2017 
linuxha.css6999May 30 2017 
lirc-0.5.3.tgz57001May 30 2017 
LJperl-02.tgz341010May 30 2017 
ljperl-20050807.tbz142910May 30 2017 
local.css6999May 30 2017 
lynx_ksh.tgz10957May 30 2017 
lynx-plc.tgz9248May 30 2017 
m100y2k.pdf196823May 30 2017 
MagicMirror.png129244Apr 1 2021 
Makefile.proxy2547May 30 2017 
myPicture.jpg2400May 30 2017 
netlitng.tgz28081May 30 2017 
netlitng.txt23903May 30 2017 
netpipes.3.1.tgz31413May 30 2017 
OCT86.txt995Dec 30 2020 
old.index.html19649Jun 11 2017 
omnilink.zip441597May 30 2017 
onewire.old.tgz12561May 30 2017 
onewire.tgz13822May 30 2017 
pic12cxxx.png6799May 30 2017 
plmtools-0.0.1.tar.gz11820May 30 2017 
pmpp-0.01.tar.gz19684May 30 2017 
potm.c15322May 30 2017 
print.css9534May 30 2017 
protocol.html44856May 30 2017 
PROTOCOL_PC-CM11.doc258560May 30 2017 
protocol.txt28439May 30 2017 
quickcam_web-2.4.21.tgz43870May 30 2017 
README9503May 30 2017 
README.frame.html287May 30 2017 
README.html11842May 30 2017 
Readme.index.html716May 30 2017 
recommendations.html13514May 30 2017 
rs.oscope.tgz107039May 30 2017 30 2017 
script.sh71Jan 2 2019 30 2017 
SEPROM16.HEX.txt46208Dec 30 2020 
services.wsdl659May 30 2017 
set-auto.sh808Jan 2 2019 
SGH-i897_ATT-Captivate_English_User_Manual.pdf8952836May 30 2017 
sig.html1804May 30 2017 
sinewave.gif3916May 30 2017 
sniffer.txt4436May 30 2017 
spca.tgz322324May 30 2017 
speak-1.0.tgz108121May 30 2017 
style.css2620May 30 2017 
sun_unix.c20131May 30 2017 
test_njcIV.php.gz3669May 30 2017 
thx10.tgz2163787May 30 2017 
today-20091222.tgz13802May 30 2017 
today.tgz13576May 30 2017 
tw523.c8276May 30 2017 
tw523d-1.1.2.tar.gz20960May 30 2017 
twd-0.2.tgz21903May 30 2017 
twx82.c52063May 30 2017 
udiws10.ws84386May 30 2017 
usb-iplcd-20070904.tgz317299May 30 2017 
userver-0.6.0.tgz989939May 30 2017 
vms-5.4_5.5_5.5-2_6.0_6.1.img.gz240551173Jun 5 2017 
vms-7.2.img.gz237514711Jun 5 2017 
weather2141May 30 2017 
wea_tools.html11095May 30 2017 30 2017 
webcontrol-20110121.tgz1643423May 30 2017 
working_0331.gif8255May 30 2017 
wx200.tgz56693May 30 2017 
x10_1_0_1_src.zip275914May 30 2017 
x10_1_0_1.zip603511May 30 2017 
x10-amh-v1.06.tgz12168May 30 2017 
x10-automate.tgz235386May 30 2017 30 2017 30 2017 
x10d.cm11.c23613May 30 2017 
x10d.diff851May 30 2017 
x10d.html42673May 30 2017 
x10d.lynx.c13194May 30 2017 
x10d.njc.tgz12234May 30 2017 
x10d.rf.c15786May 30 2017 
x10dwatch-0.3.tgz4198May 30 2017 
x10dwatch.tgz5166May 30 2017 
x10es-1.0-2.noarch.rpm64900May 30 2017 
x10es-1.0.src.tar.gz63446May 30 2017 
x10_faq.html118453May 30 2017 
x10.h4931May 30 2017 
x10_heyu.tgz44607May 30 2017 
x10_lib-1.2.tgz33484May 30 2017 
x10off.sh95May 30 2017 
x10.rf.html24230May 30 2017 
x10.rf.txt13845May 30 2017 
x10.shar54850May 30 2017 
x10sniffer.c13671May 30 2017 
x10talk.sh1495May 30 2017 
x10.tcl.tgz36539May 30 2017 
x10.technicalnote.pdf1204549May 30 2017 
x10.tgz15418May 30 2017 
x10.xtc797.txt11380May 30 2017 
xalib-0.45.tar.gz82053May 30 2017 
xtc798.doc58368May 30 2017 
xtc798.html28237May 30 2017 
xtc798.pdf32379May 30 2017 
xtc798.txt24710May 30 2017 
xtend_1.2b4-1.1.tar.gz61620May 30 2017 
xtend_faq.txt2659May 30 2017 
xtend.tgz27192May 30 2017 
xyplex-advanced-config.pdf1443481May 30 2017 
xyplex-command-ref-guide.pdf1507158May 30 2017 

If you have questions about Home Automation and/or Linux you may email me at This email address is not for unsolicated email (if I didn't opt-in then it's unsolicated).

Please come back and visit my page again (hopefully this is worth reading).

Last updated: Saturday November 13, 2021